It can be tricky to stay on top of your monthly loan payments, especially if you’ve struggled to find a well paying job, or any job at all, after graduation. There are several options to consider if you are having trouble making payments on your loans for any reason. You need to act quickly to avoid the long-lasting negative consequences of missed payments.
Switch to a different repayment plan.
Contact your loan servicer to see if you can switch to a repayment plan with a longer repayment period. This would lower your monthly payments. You may also be able to switch to one based on your income, so that your monthly payments are only 10%–20% of your paycheck. These plans would allow you to continue to provide for yourself while making smaller monthly payments. Learn more about repayment plans here.
Request a deferment.
A deferment is a period of time during which you temporarily delay the repayment of the loan, typically for up to three years. While you will not have to make monthly payments against the principal amount of your loan, you may still have to pay all accumulating interest.
The government may pay interest on a Perkins Loan or Direct Subsidized Loan for you during deferment. However, you must pay interest on Direct Unsubsidized Loans and PLUS Loans. You can pay the interest upfront during your deferment period or choose to have it added onto the principal balance of your loan to be repaid once your deferment period ends.
The table below lists common deferment types, the maximum length of each deferment, the eligibility criteria and the eligible loans. This is not an exhaustive list, and there are other reasons for which you can request a deferment. The following deferment types mainly apply to loans made on or after July 1, 1993. If your situation does not match any of the listed deferments, feel free to check here or here, or contact your loan servicer to determine if you are still eligible for a deferment.
To request a deferment, you will need to contact your loan servicer and/or your school’s financial aid office. You can also find applications and learn more here.
Deferment Type | Length | Qualifications | Eligible Loans |
Student | No limit |
Direct Subsidized, Direct Unsubsidized, Direct PLUS, Perkins |
Graduate fellowship | No limit |
Direct Subsidized, Direct Unsubsidized, Direct PLUS, Perkins |
Parent of a dependent student | No limit while student is enrolled at least half-time; up to six months after enrollment falls below half-time |
Direct PLUS |
Rehabilitation training program | No limit |
Direct Subsidized, Direct Unsubsidized, Direct PLUS, Perkins |
Unemployment: for borrowers who are unemployed, working less than 30 hours weekly, or working full-time for a maximum of 90 days | Up to 36 months |
Direct Subsidized, Direct Unsubsidized, Direct PLUS, Perkins |
Economic hardship and Peace Corps | Up to 36 months | One of the following applies:
Direct Subsidized, Direct Unsubsidized, Direct PLUS, Perkins |
Military service | No limit |
Direct Subsidized, Direct Unsubsidized, Direct PLUS, Direct Consolidation, Perkins |
Post-active duty student | Up to 13 months |
Direct Subsidized, Direct Unsubsidized, Direct PLUS, Direct Consolidation, Perkins |
Other types of deferments are offered to students who took out their loans before July 1, 1993. You may qualify if one of the following situations applies to you:
- Medical interns or residents
- Borrowers on Temporary Total Disability
- Parental leave and working mothers
- Teachers in shortage areas
- Public service (ACTION Program, Armed Forces, NOAA Corps, Peace Corps, public health, tax-exempt organization volunteer)
Request forbearance.
If you don’t qualify for a deferment, you can request forbearance from your loan servicer. Forbearance allows you to stop making or to reduce the amount of monthly payments on a loan for up to 12 months. However, interest will continue to accumulate during a period of forbearance. There are two types of forbearance.
- Discretionary (or general) forbearance: The lender decides whether to grant you forbearance. You can request discretionary forbearance because of financial hardship or illness. If your forbearance expires and you are still experiencing financial hardship or illness, you can request another forbearance.
- There is a three year cap on discretionary forbearances for Perkins Loan holders.
- There is no cap on discretionary forbearances for Direct Loan holders, but your loan servicer may enforce a time limit.
- Mandatory forbearance: Your lender must grant forbearance if one of the following is true:
- You are serving in a medical or dental residency program or internship.
- The amount you owe each month is greater than or equal to 20% of your total monthly income.
- You are serving in a national service position (AmeriCorps) and received a national service award from the Corporation for National and Community Service.
- You are performing a teaching service and qualify for loan forgiveness.
- You qualify for repayment under the Department of Defense (DoD) student loan repayment program. This means that you are a highly qualified employee of the DoD, or you are being offered a repayment package during recruitment or to be retained as a highly qualified employee of the DoD.
- You are an activated member of the National Guard but are not eligible for a military deferment.
To request forbearance, you will need to contact your loan servicer. In some cases you will have to provide supportive documentation for your request. You must continue monthly payments until your request for forbearance has been granted.
Page last updated: 05/2018
Financial Aid Basics for College Students
Federal Loan Repayment
Outside Contributions to Loan Repayment
What Happens If You Don’t Pay Your Student Loans
Applying for Federal Financial Aid
Understanding Federal Financial Aid
Nonfederal Financial Aid Options for Students
Military Educational Benefits